Spring..a time of renewal and growth!
What a great time to be outside and relish the changing of the seasons, so much potential and growth. The world is full with colors and scents from fresh blooms. From the beginning of time humans have begun foraging at this time. It is a great time to explore ancient uses of flowers and herbs. There are many edible flower available at this time to enhance our culinary experience.
Here is a small list and some uses of blooms and blossoms.
As with any new undertaking be sure you are well educated about what you are doing. Be sure you know exactly what you choose to consume. If you are allergy-prone, it's probably best to avoid eating flowers. Check with local experts to help with the identification of wild flowers. If you choose to eat flowers from your garden make sure they are organic. Please do not eat or drink anything you know or suspect is not good for you.
Violets (Viola odorata) are some of the first flowers we see. They taste very sweet and delicate. They are a good addition to lightly flavor salad... maybe just lettuce a little feta cheese and oil and vinager. My favorite way to use violets is to add them to lightly cooked raspberries and either make a raspberry vinager out of the concoction or drizzle it on a poached fish, pancakes or use it to make a smoothie. It has a wonderful, refreshing and unique flavor.
Nastruritum (Nasturitum majus) grows in many gardens and is some enviroments will take over its habitat. The young leaves are delicious raw. They have a peppery taste and are a great addition to a salad. You might as well add some of the beautiful flowers to your salad. Use just the petals as fresh as possible. They are more spicey if grown in the hottest spot in your garden.
Calendular (Calendular officinalis) is an easy to grow garden flower that adds color and flavor in the kitchen. The flowers petals are used and have a spicey, tangy, peppery flavor. Tear them away form the stems and add a small amount to your salads or decorate a cake with them. They are also known are pot marigolds. The flowers have been used to make salves for skin conditions such as diaper rash and itchy skin.
Borage (Borage officinalis) is a great plant to grow in the garden. It is a companion plant for tomatoes and squash. It deters the tomatoe hornworm. The flowers are a great addition to a salad with a mild cucmber flavor. The young leaves can also be eaten but pick them before they become prickly. In addition borage attracts bees to your garden.